Aeic’s Weblog

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showing unfinished work

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i think part of the biggest issue with this show was being able to portray the process of our collaboration, when we were trying to decide between an obviously edited video piece or something that was more crude it was really important to consider justifying the collaborative work. how much did we consider the audience in deciding the final work that was shown? and was it difficult for us to move away from displaying more finished polished objects?

with the edited version of the video ( which was also more obviously colour corrected) it sat in a space which was neither the literal interpretation of the process nor a complete and finished video art work. what was it that we were saying about our own work?

in discussion Charlotte said that perhaps we should be brave and show something that was more literal and perhaps more true to the project?

it seemed perhaps that there were two processes and perhaps tasks that we were and have been dealing with in the project and perhaps the last few weeks has highlighted that as we were coming closer to the hang.

1. the process of questioning the notion of collaboration through practise

2. challenging, using the gallery space ( /viewer) to show a process or research or just something.

i found the latter part quite difficult, my experience of galleries and finished products of work are limited, and my experience of the art world lies mainly in research unfinished outcomes and so harder for me to challenge the space that we were entering with documents of work?

did the other collaborations find this? did they also encounter the same questions that we did in showing the process of the collaborations? did the collaborations feel as if the shown objects depicted the collaborative process? how important was it to the other collaborations ( and ourselves) to show a process or an outcome of the collaboration?

Written by aeic

July 31, 2008 at 11:19 am

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dora’s photoes from 030708

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Written by aeic

July 4, 2008 at 2:00 pm

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Latest Session in the Lab

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I thought last night went really well - it was so interesting seeing the chemical
drawings on film... we had a look at them again this morning, and they just look
amazing - I can't believe how different from each other they are even though we
used the same chemicals & solvents. There must be so many contingent factors involved.

I am photographing them this morning, and will send Sarah some images.
Our flat mate saw them too and said that they really make you want to get up
close - she said she wanted a magnifying glass, which I thought was really
interesting - maybe a bit too cheesy for a gallery setting, but I know
what she means..... It ties in with what you were saying too about seeing them in
the little cardboard folder


Written by aeic

July 4, 2008 at 10:21 am

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Artists communities

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went to a discussion early this week which addressed artists communities and the notion
driven by lack of funding of working 'collaboratively' between different communities.
i thought it was interesting as part of what arose during the discussion was what
collaboration is and what it means. from the directors of these specific communities
they seemed to imply that they were driven to collaborate as they realised that they
had apporoached the same artist to do similar work.  others talked about collaboration
arising as a sharing of knoweledge, of techniques  i.e. that one party may have some
skills that another may not have.
interesting questions.....
does collaboration between diverse artists communities create homogeneity?
is there value in collaborating?
how much has collaboration been driven by funding bodies? either through the
reward of or due to competition between them?

Written by aeic

June 27, 2008 at 11:00 am

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Feedback on Blog

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I asked a friend to look at the blog today and to give us some feedback on
whether it was readable/interesting/boring etc. He said that he thought the blog
was more like a communicating tool for us, and that if we want to show the dialogue
in a more easily readable format, it could be some kind of summarised account of the
dialogue, or a more clearly mapped account of where our thoughts have gone. It
could include the opportunity to look at aspects of the project in more in depth
if the reader chooses to do so. He thought that our presence on the Jerwood blog
needed to be more clearly defined, and that some images on there would be nice.
Also, to date it is unclear on our blog (to anyone that isn't us) who has posted
what - I will go back through the messages and 'name' them, although I think in
the end it is unlikely that anyone is actually going to read this stuff.....

Written by aeic

June 23, 2008 at 7:44 pm

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a few tube thoughts in summary

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a space where progress is important
a collaboration where different parties come together either to create something
new or to use the space as an arena for reflection on their own practice
The space becomes defined by the dialogue /dynamic created by others
this space can morph  creating its own shape through external dialogue
running parallel to our own practice as a place for reflection to aid
our own practices
it can be used in whatever way we see fit
the work that occurs in the space should be duly documented and given
the time it deserves
should not succumb to the pressure of predetermined art practice
river flow
paving a course

Written by aeic

June 19, 2008 at 1:26 pm

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Meeting With Jackson Webb at Amatos – Sun Jun 15 2008 6:25 pm

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written in retrospect, 

met Mark and Charlotte at Amatos, an early meeting for a Saturday morning but had a sense
that i was doing something worthwhile by waking early rather than vegging in bed as is
normal of a Saturday morning. we briefly discussed the ARSCie Show and then self generating
images onfilm and the different stages within filming where the film could be interfered
with.  as had only had a quick look on the internet not much information was available
to be shared but possibilities could be there which may involve experimentation and more
research. in discussion of where the work should go for the show, it was felt that it was
important that the work would portray the process and discussions that we have gone through
as these have pretty much been the fuel for the work. Charlotte mentioned a book, a
collective of writings with no description of what was written by whom. 

We then rallied a few ideas and it was this process which struck me as being important to
document, and something i really enjoyed, it was almost a verbal spar of ideas, a relay
almost when a baton is passed from each spectator and with an acknowledgeable progression
all communicated solely through speech. speech, each idea was thrown on the table and
slowly built up around the goal from each participant around the project and the work that
had already begun. I am not sure whether this is the first time that the interaction had
occurred in this way or whether it had previously also been like this? 

we ended with diaries as usual.

Written by aeic

June 17, 2008 at 11:49 am

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Re: Paul’s Film Questionnaire – Sat Jun 7 2008 8:39 am

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1. Will your film answer the question?
the question of the necessity of collaboration?  a valid collaboration? work
unconnected to an ego?

2. What colour, number and country is your film?

3. Is your film daytime or night time or other time?

4. Which extreme emotion is your film?

5. When did your film (going to) happen?
without time, different time frames

6. Would your film push or be pushed?
self pushed

7. Does your film lead or follow?
leads into itself

8. How fast is your film?
breathing pace

9. Will your film nourish or neglect (take information from) a time line?

10. Will your film cooperate willingly or have to be taken by force (rebel)?
stand alone

Written by aeic

June 17, 2008 at 11:42 am

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Re: Paul’s Film Questionnaire – Thu May 22 2008 1:34 pm

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1. Will your film answer the question?
Pattern pictures for the friends of beauty

2. What colour, number and country is your film?
1 3
2 3 let dry
3 3 let dry
4 3 let dry

3. Is your film daytime or night time or other time?

4. Which extreme emotion is your film?

5. When did your film (going to) happen?
Can't wait for now

6. Would your film push or be pushed?

7. Does your film lead or follow?

8. How fast is your film?

9. Will your film nourish or neglect (take information from) a
time line?
They'll decide

10. Will your film cooperate willingly or have to be taken by
force (rebel)?
4th mind?

Written by aeic

June 17, 2008 at 11:20 am

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Paul’s Film Questionnaire – Thu May 22 2008 1:10 pm

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Thought Paul's film questionnaire might help us along. Maybe we should all have a go...

1. Will your film answer the question?
2. What colour, number and country is your film?
3. Is your film daytime or night time or other time?
4. Which extreme emotion is your film?
5. When did your film (going to) happen?
6. Would your film push or be pushed?
7. Does your film lead or follow?
8. How fast is your film?
9. Will your film nourish or neglect (take information from) a time line?
10. Will your film cooperate willingly or have to be taken by force (rebel)?

Written by aeic

June 17, 2008 at 11:15 am

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